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Charu Sood

President, Weybridge in Bloom
This post is written with a heavy heart and great sadness.


Our dear Charu who has so ably led Weybridge in Bloom since its inception almost 6 years ago, has passed away.


She has lived with cancer in recent years, and continued to live life as fully as she was able. Our thoughts are firmly with the family she leaves behind; her husband, three daughters and her parents.

She was inspirational and determined to the end, that Weybridge could be a better, brighter, cleaner and more biodiverse place – just add plants! Her vision will remain central to what we do.

She was a kind, caring and generous person, and we love these photographs of her from Summer/Easter 2023, the last time she joined us for a working session.

Charu, may you bloom on, in peace; Weybridge is a better place because of you.​

Weybridge in Bloom is a community project committed to increasing civic pride in our town by encouraging residents, businesses, schools and organisations of all kinds to join us and make Weybridge a brighter, cleaner, greener, safer and more biodiverse place in which to live, work and do business.


There are many opportunities to create and care for planting schemes, flower beds, raised display beds, planters, wild flower areas; to organise community events and activities such as bulb planting displays, clean up days and litter picking;  and to help with fundraising and our committees.


Our volunteers range in age from 6 to 86 years and friendships have flourished in the group through shared activities, creating lovely spaces which are also an inspiration to others. We are keen on sustainability and propagate plants on our allotment for use in our schemes.


We welcome all residents to join our endeavours and help make them a success. 


Join in now! Our weekly sessions are on Tuesdays. Visit our Facebook or Instagram pages on Fridays find out where we are going to be. 

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