To volunteer, please click this link to download the form, sign and return to us:
We want you to enjoy your volunteering with Weybridge in Bloom and to come back again; please note the following for your safe working:
Membership of WiB is required to ensure you are covered by our insurance. Regular volunteers will be given a green WiB vest to identify themselves whilst they are working.
Please wear gardening gloves, footwear and clothing appropriate for the task. Eye protection (provided) will be required on the rare occasion strimmers are used at the allotment.
You are responsible for your own belongings when on site; leave them where they will not create a trip hazard. Do not leave valuables unattended.
Working with children
You are responsible for any accompanied children; you must contact the leader beforehand to make sure the working conditions on that day will be appropriate for your child. Please disclose any conditions we need to be aware of.
We will not work in adverse weather conditions. Otherwise, it is up to you to decide what weather (temperature, precipitation, wind, UV, pollution, pollen) is suitable for your safe participation, and act according to your tolerance. We are all different.
On occasions we may decide to go for a coffee if prevented by the weather from working.
We set a date and a start time, but there is no requirement for how often you turn up, what time you start or how long you stay in each session; do what you can, when you can. Be aware of your limitations and make it known to the leader on the day if a particular condition or task makes it difficult for you, so alternatives can be allocated.
Working alone
When working alone, always have the phone number for the trustee for whom you are working. It is preferable to work in pairs or in a group, but if you are working alone, please work during daytime hours, be aware of your surroundings and maintain awareness; do not use earbuds or headphones. In the very unlikely event that a member of the public is hostile, please take your belongings and leave; do not engage with them. Report the incident to a trustee.
Working on Site
The leader on the day will check the site first but please be aware of hazards such as dog fouling, litter including broken glass and buried rubbish. Notify the leader if you encounter such waste.
Please clean all tools between sites, removing all soil and plant matter is the minimum.
Be aware and maintain awareness of your surroundings.
If working on both sides of the road, choose your side and stay there; do not cross back and forth. If you do need to, exercise extreme caution on busy roads where there are no marked crossing points. If near the roadside, work facing the traffic and at the roadside (eg the circular bed in Oatlands car park) work in pairs, with one person monitoring the traffic while the other works.
Maintain a suitable distance from your fellow volunteers to avoid striking them with tools or treading on them.
Keep the footpath clear and sweep up as you go.
Do not leave your tools, equipment, or belongings where a member of the public or another volunteer can trip on them, or where anything such as a bag may blow into the footpath or onto the roadway.
Follow the instructions of the leader regarding the disposal of green waste generated on the day.
Please do not come if you feel unwell.
If you have a medical condition that requires medication, please bring it with you. You may wish to inform the leader, in confidence. You may also give the number of someone to contact should you become unwell whilst working.
Members of the Public
Without fail residents have been supportive of our work. In the unlikely event of negative comments, please refer them to the leader, and do not engage further.
And finally, as we really value our volunteers and appreciate what they do, please be kind, considerate and courteous to your co volunteers and welcoming to new members.
If you are concerned about any aspect of Health and Safety, please speak to the leader.